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الاثنين، 15 ديسمبر 2008

dog house training tips

مرسلة بواسطة migha

Puppy House Training
Follow This Proven Potty Training Method
The arrival of a new puppy is cause for great excitement in any household. It soon becomes clearly apparent that puppy house training is an urgent priority and the number one thing to teach our new housemates.
You'll find lots of puppy house training articles and theories across the net and in books everywhere, but I've got a method that has never let me down. My veterinarian first told me about this potty training method which could be summed up as follows:

Closely monitor your puppy to prevent messy mistakes, enthusiastically reward desired behavior every time, and if a mistake happens work out where you went wrong.

Puppy House Training - General Rules
Owning a puppy is a big commitment for all family members, especially in the first few days and weeks.
Puppy potty training is not a race, the key is to prevent mistakes and establish good habits early - dogs are creatures of habit.
Opening your back door every couple of hours to let your puppy out will not house train your puppy.
A puppy's natural instinct is to keep their bedding/sleeping area clean - the potty training method outlined below utilizes this knowledge to our advantage.
No matter how attentive and diligent you are in the house training process there is bound to be the odd slip up. My puppy house training strategy involves close supervision and confinement to start with but only so we can allow our puppies greater freedom and much sooner.
Understand your puppy's capabilities and be realistic, keep in mind you are dealing with a very young animal. As a general rule a puppy can hold on an hour for every month of his/her age, plus another hour. Develop a food and water schedule. Each day feed at the same time (never close to bed time) and take away your dogs water bowl before you go to bed (don't forget to put it back first thing in the morning!).
Physical Punishment Is Never An
Option In The House Training Process!
Puppy House Training - Step by Step Process
Equipment you'll need:
You can read a detailed article I wrote here - puppy crate training
You can also set up a small pen area with a comfortable dog bed, fresh water and a couple of chew toys (like a food stuffed kong toy). Do not put a doggy toilet in this pen area.
In addition to your 60 minute schedule it is important to take your puppy outside after each meal time (most puppies go to the potty within 15 minutes of eating).
That's the puppy house training process, follow it consistently and I'm sure you'll experience pleasing results. Place the indoor doggy toilet at the opposite side to the bedding in your puppy's living area. When you arrive home remove the toilet area inside and follow the potty training method detailed above.
Puppy House Training Process - Teaching Your Puppy To "ask" To Go Outside.
If you aren't able to install a doggy door it is handy if you teach your dog the right way to let you know he wants to go outside. Do this by hanging a Poochie-Bell on a piece of string attached to the door handle (at the level of your puppy's nose).
Follow the puppy house training schedule as detailed above but now add the following: Each time you get to the door to go outside give the bell a bit of a shake and say "go potty". Do this every time you take your puppy outside to the toilet for a week or two.
You want your puppy to give it a nudge, if he does give lots of enthusiastic praise and quickly open the door. If your puppy doesn't nudge the bell after standing at the door for 10 seconds, shake the bell yourself while saying "go potty".
Eventually your dog will make his way to the door and tap the bell every time he needs to go outside to the toilet.
Helpful Dog Training Tips

It is important to start training a dog between six and eight weeks of age. If your dog is older and has yet to be trained do not worry because it is "never too late to teach a dog a new trick."
Many dog owners are curious as to the best way to go about dog training. There are several dog training tips that dog owners should be aware of. A very important dog training tip is that the owner must use positive reinforcement.
When training a dog it is good to reward the dog with both praise and dog treats. The dog should be awarded a treat each time the dog performs a command correctly. This will reinforce positive behavior.
Another dog training tip is to give firm but friendly commands. Give commands such as come and heel in a friendly voice. When your dog has an accident in the house it is important to not rub your dog’s nose into the accident. When training a dog it is important to not punish the dog. Punishing a dog during training will only cause the dog to be afraid of you. One of the most valuable tips to follow when training a dog is to use consistent training techniques.
Dogs are wonderful companions and usually very easy to train. When your dog follows a command give the dog lots of praise and a dog treat. This is the easiest and most effective way to train a dog. Remember to enjoy the time you spend with your dog as this time forms a bond that is unbreakable.

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