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الاثنين، 15 ديسمبر 2008

Super Herbal Tips for Pets

مرسلة بواسطة migha

I may suggest the following home remedies and tips for pet dogs. These work well in most case but some discretion is always suggested and advised In case your dog is suffering from the common problem of ticks or fleas then I suggest the following home remedy. Grind a few orange rinds to a paste and apply on fur. Easy isn’t it? This remedy is effective in most case and is easy to make and apply. It is completely herbal and also safe for most dogs.
Another pre-emptive measure and also an effective treatment for the problem of fleas and ticks in your pet dogs’ coat, involve its diet. Mix well into the food and let the pet eat it. This is very effective measure against the dog getting ticks in its fur.
Many dogs have cracked and dry paws. An effective low cost treatment is to apply petroleum jelly or Vaseline to its paws. As the cracked paws heel, the dogs behavior will see an improvement also.
No more bad smells or unhygienic odour. This is an easy and effective home remedy for a common problem.

The dog avoids taking a bath and consequently gets dirty and can be a source of infection for the family. In this case, try using soda bicarbonate on its fur as a dry shampoo. Rub vigorously and the dog will come out clean.

To deter a puppy from chewing furniture legs, wipe the legs with a little clove oil. The puppy will stop chewing them. The furniture will stay safe and sound while the puppy learns to use something else.

A common problem in households having pets is the falling hair that keeps sticking and adhering to various articles. To pick up the pets hair, from a blanket or furnishing fabric, wet a sponge and run it over the article. I hope you find these tips useful.

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