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الاثنين، 15 ديسمبر 2008

horse care tips in cold weather

مرسلة بواسطة migha

You may be surprised at how well horses can adapt to colder weather. In the wild, horses can withstand temperatures at well below zero. One important thing to remember is that although horses do well in colder temperatures, they can be affected by cold winds which not only make them extremely uncomfortable but also have a tendency to spook the horse. You can keep your horse happier by providing some type of wind break such as a run-in shed in the pasture. If your horse does not have access to a run-in shed, a line of trees may be adequate to block some of the wind, but it is advisable that they at least have some sort of shelter from potential wind, snow, and freezing rain.

In addition to a nice shelter for your horse, you should increase your horse's hay intake during the winter months. Hay digestion creates increased heat production which helps your horse stay warmer in the winter months. Be sure that you are not increasing the grain intake, as increased grain intake will not provided the desired results of helping your horse to stay warmer. If your hay is not of the best quality, you should take your hay to be tested so that the hay is providing all of the nutritional benefits to your horse. The qualities of beet pulp allow it to be an easily digested feed with similar nutritional benefits as hay. Be sure that your horse is receiving enough feed through high quality forages to help him or her sustain a healthy body weight throughout the winter.

In addition to providing extra hay, you should also always provide fresh water for your horse. Although the weather is colder, horses still need enough water intake to keep their digestive tracts in line. Water prevents dehydration and is a vital part of keeping your horse healthy. Not only should you provide fresh water, but check the water regularly for ice. You may need to either install an electric heater in the water trough or keep a rubber mallet nearby to break ice which accumulates in buckets.

Remember to walk your horse after a work-out so that they can cool down slowly.
. We've gathered some tips and reminders for senior horse care that'll touch on signposts and horse keeping for senior horses.
An idle horse's poor circulation makes it difficult for digested nutrients to reach his muscles. If your senior horse has a problem that makes exercise difficult or painful, there may be special exercise methods--such as swimming, hand-walking/ponying, passive muscle flexion, and other methods of physical therapy--that can improve circulation without compounding an existing problem. Your older horse has decreased reserves, increased vulnerability to serious infections, and increased risk of dehydration and impaction colic. So, don't treat colds lightly. Older horses are more attractive targets for biting insects than younger ones. Check to make sure your horse is adequately protected from biting insects.

.1-Older horses may be more sensitive to heat and cold.
2-If you notice your senior horse is shivering despite the shelter, blanket him accordingly. Malnutrition is a prime cause of lower body temperatures in an aged horse, due to lack of energy intake.
3-If your senior horse has problems chewing roughage, check into options like extruded complete feeds (roughage in kibble form, such as Wend lands One 'n Only) and chopped and pelleted hay.

Begin a monthly check by running your hands over your horse. Consult your vet if your horse loses weight for no apparent reason

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