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الاثنين، 15 ديسمبر 2008

pet behaviour problems

مرسلة بواسطة migha

Pet Behaviour Problems

Pet behaviour problems can be challenging at the best of times and in many cases, unfortunately, can lead to the pet being removed from the household. This is a sad and, in most cases, unnecessary step as many pet behavioural problems can be resolved.
The biggest obstacle to resolving these problems is usually a lack of understanding of the cause of the unwanted behaviour. If we can understand what sparks off the unwanted behaviour then we are half way to a solution.
As humans our biggest problem when it comes to dealing with pet behaviour problems is that we often impose a human solution on an animal problem. For example, your dog might start chewing your slippers. You whack the dog on the nose with a newspaper to discourage the behaviour. That might work but you stand an equal chance of the dog viewing your action as paying attention to it and so every time it wants your attention, it grabs your slippers. Training a pet is also an integral part of preventing or correcting pet behaviour problems. For many pet owners unacceptable pet behaviour problems such as aggression, excessive or inappropriate barking, biting and so on are problems that can easily sour the human-pet bond. If the training is done in a humane way, it enriches the human - pet relationship in many ways and minimises potential conflict by reducing undesirable behaviours in the pet. This is the win/win result that everyone should be striving for.
Understanding Dogs' Abilities
If we could teach a dog to draw and give the concept of a “God” it would draw “God” as a dog. Many so called dog trainers and countless owners have a mistaken perception of what really constitutes a dog, and often have expectations far above the animal’s actual ability.
Some people imagine that their dogs are little people in fur coats, and that their pets are able to understand complex thought patterns, and comprehend our moral and ethical codes; they assume a dog’s level of understanding is on a par with our own. Animals work on drive levels and instinct. It is vital to keep in mind that they do not have the capacity to comprehend the complex thought processes that bring us to understand human emotions, language, and behaviour.
There is a scientific name for this “Anthropomorphism”: The textbook definition of anthropomorphism is “to assign emotions or thought patterns to animals or objects, which are incapable of achieving such dimensions”.

I believe that anthropomorphism is one of the main reasons we find immense difficulty communicating successfully with our pets. Projection is a psychological phenomenon in which one projects their feelings upon others, animals, or objects. This is useful in everyday life for it takes the guesswork out of reality. Dogs are capable of linking ideas together, but are totally incapable of linking actions that are separated by time. If for example a dog makes a mess on the floor during your absence, there is no point in telling the dog off or rubbing its nose in it, which to my mind is barbaric, you wouldn’t rub a child’s nose in a soiled nappy? and even if you did, what learning process would the child get?
The dog’s brain cannot link the action with any passage of time. A dog’s brain is much smaller than a human, especially in the upper part of the brain called the cerebrum - the portion of the brain associated with intellectual functions such as speech, memory, consciousness, and logical and emotional thought.
They cannot understand human language. It is far more important to use sound patterns, intonation, facial and body language as a form of communication. A dog wants to please and all learning should be based on positive reinforcement. We should be aware that a large part of a dog’s brain is occupied with sensory activity, particularly the interpretation of scent.
Dogs natural instinct plays a vital role and often it is difficult to understand why so few dog owners cannot differentiate between instinct and intelligence. Instinct is an urge from within. Instinct makes a dog act in a certain way and has no connection with intelligence.
Dogs first instinct is to survive, when a pup is born he squirms about until he finds a teat and then sucks it. The maternal instinct tells the female to clean up the foetal membrane, and in the first 3 or 4 weeks to also eat the pup’s faeces this is to keep the nest clean and dry and to stop predators locating the and killing the pups. Most instincts provide pleasure to the dog, and because it associates the action with pleasure, the instinct grows stronger with usage. This is the basis of all training to harness your pet’s instincts and shape it’s behaviour patterns, so that it is acceptable to what we perceive as our expectations.
Instinct can be strengthened, weakened or even diverted. A dog with an obsession for chasing cyclists can be controlled by shaping its behaviour, obedience training and by providing alternative outlets for its energy. The same if a dog is corrected the first time he chases another dog or a jogger it may give up the idea, but if it is allowed to chase joggers or dogs then this instinct becomes much stronger and can then become a problem behaviour that is difficult or even impossible to cure.
Basic Training
To start to teach your dog your language, you need to combine the words with an action that shows the dog what you want, and some reinforcement - either positive or negative. Say your dog’s name. Your dog should ALWAYS have a pleasant experience when he hears his name - NEVER unpleasant. Some people create a new “Bad Dog” name to use for those bad dog times. To teach the dog his name, position your dog close enough to touch, preferably on a leash so he doesn’t move away. Say the dogs name cheerfully and give his ear or leash a tug toward you, or move his muzzle in your direction. When the dog looks in your direction, immediately use your “Good Dog” voice and praise and stroke your dog on the head or chest and start by giving your dog a treat, practice this until looking at you happens without the tug or treat, continue to practice for the dog’s entire life! It reinforces the communication link between the owner and pet.
Teach other words the same way. Simple one word commands work best. Say the dog’s name (to get his attention - remember that communication link!), follow with a command, and then SHOW him what you want. PRAISE IMMEDIATELY when the action is completed - even if you MADE him do it! Eventually you dog will learn to respond to the command without needing to be shown - but you should never forget to praise.
Sometimes words are not enough when communicating with a dog. Since dogs must learn what each word means, all the other “extra” words are just a bunch of “Blah, Blah” to them! Remember the Gary Larson cartoon that shows an owner scolding his dog, Ginger, then shows what the dog hears “Ginger, blah, blah, blah, Ginger, blah...”

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