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السبت، 6 ديسمبر 2008

dog nutrition

مرسلة بواسطة migha

Healthy Doggy Snack

Keeping a dog healthy is a challenge. Especially when dogs are prone to eating and sniffing at almost any kind of food. A dog is also prone to picking up ticks and fleas from the environment and other 'friendly' dogs and pets. The pet owner goes through pain and suffering when the beloved pet falls ill. A healthy and happy pet keeps the pet owner also happy and joyous.
Healthy food which is well balanced and contains essential nutrients is a must have for all pet dogs. This kind of food helps prevent illness and helps in all around development of the dog. It is not healthy to give a dog left overs as these left overs can contain fungus and toxic compounds which may be unhealthy for pets. Leftovers are not necessarily a balanced meal for the pet dog.
I give below a Dog Biscuit Recipe which is vegetarian. It is healthy and also helps prevent ticks in the dog.
To create this Super Doggie Veggie Biscuit, collect the following ingredients.

One garlic clove
60 grams margarine or butter.
150 grams whole wheat flour
60 grams grated cheese
60- 70 grams mixed chopped vegetables like beans, carrots, cabbage.

Now mix the grated cheese and margarine (butter) together in a mixing pan. To this mixture add the crushed garlic clove and mix thoroughly so that the garlic is spread evenly throughout the mixture. It is this, garlic which will help prevent ticks and flea infection in the fur of the dog.
Add the chopped vegetables to this mixture and then stir in the whole wheat flour. Stir well and add milk as required to form a a ball shape which stays together.
Now roll on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes. You may create circular biscuits or square ones as desired.
Keep Your Dog Healthy With the Best Dog Food
The majority of dog owners don't look too much into what their dog or puppy is eating, beyond getting food that is made for their breed. The problem is that many store bought foods are largely made up of filler rather than actual meat, so your dog might not be getting the nutrition it requires to stay healthy!
So how do you know whether a particular food is good enough for your dog? First of all, buying the cheapest option is probably not going to provide the best nutrition for your dog. You tend to get what you pay for with dog food, although not in every case.
In general, dog food should contain around 40-45% real meat. While a puppy is growing for example, you should buy foods specifically for puppies. Also remember that while treats are great for training, if they form a large part of your dog's diet it is likely your pet won't be getting the nutrition it requires.
It's also worth mentioning that like humans, dogs can be fussy!

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